The Term Fee includes the Health Fee, Associate Students of CR (ASCR) Activity and Representation Fee and Technology Fee and are charged each semester that a student enrolls in coursework.
A student may request to waive the optional ASCR Activity and Representation Fee and/or the Technology Fee by submitting the Request to Waive Optional Fees form to the Cashier prior to the start of the semester. If a student waives the ASCR Activity and Representation Fee, they are not permitted to join or participate in any student clubs or receive or participate in representation from the local and state student body.
A student may request to waive the Health Fee if that student depends exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization by submitting a signed affidavit to the Cashier prior to the start of the semester.
Health Fee: $23 per semester - Fall/Spring ($20 Summer) Eureka & Online
$9 per Semester - Fall/Spring/Summer Del Norte & Klamath-Trinity
ASCR Fees: $10 per semester - Fall/Spring/Summer All Campuses
Technology Fee: $10 per semester - Fall/Spring/Summer All Campuses